Come on by! Your main bad ass source for whiskeys of the world, No joke, We pride ourselves in collecting and pouring the best of the best; with some rare one-of-a-kind bottles you just won’t find anywhere else. Chambers is a quaint Bohemian lounge & kitchen located in the heart of beautiful Downtown Phoenix. We have a special love for Whiskeys, including Bourbons, Single Malts and much more. We fancy the opportunity to drag you down the road of finding your relationship with Whiskey.
If becoming a connoisseur is your goal or easy sipping in your down time is what you desire, we got ya. Our location is super cool it’s easily accessible by light rail, located within walking distance of the college campuses, theaters, City Scape, Farmers Market, Arizona Center, and Sports Stadiums.
At Chambers we treat our guests like family and love making new friends. Come challenge our bartenders with your drink invention or just be amazed at their display of mixology.
Until we become friends, salute! And… thanks for checking us out!